If you want to get somewhere it’s best to find someone who has already got there…

We are not saying that we are the best. We’ll make you say it…

We monitor hundreds of players on a regular basis and select the ones we want to work with.

We do not promise a motorway to a brilliant career. Instead, we suggest a road full of uphill or narrow sections and a strenuous ride, because valuable things never come easy.

You will not get everything from us…. But we guarantee, that a staff of a few dozen persons – agents and experts in various fields – will be strenuously working for you.

You will experience effective career management thanks to us – we will ensure you development and safety.

Our goal consists in development of individual player’s potential and in provision of well-thought-out and favourable transfers.

We have signed more than 500 transfer contracts.
However, you will not see us on the pictures that document the signing of the contracts. Because we know, that always a player is the hero of a transfer, his determination and hard work. The Agency’s support cannot be shown in a picture.

And since we are talking about the agents, ours have spent in cloakrooms and on the pitches together over

…which gives us extreme experience in the football world, and to you – a guarantee of safety and of benefits.

We will bend over backwards to support you under any circumstances, so that you can focus only on the football.

We do not design two identical careers based on patterns and generalities…

But instead, we analyse the player’s potential and we determine a personalised development path.

And if you have reached this point, that means you understand, what is this game all about…We are sure that joining the BMG-SPORT team will be the best possible choice.